Wednesday 18 June 2014

Decorating your baby’s room

Decorating your kid’s room can be a lot of fun but it is also a hard task.
The minute you start decorating the room for your baby girl or boy millions of ideas come rushing to your head, the colors to be used the patterns the cartoons to be used the upholstery material the fabrics the color and designs of the wall paper . Doing up a child’s room is way more fun and exciting than doing up an elder’s room.

You can get as creative as you want for your child’s room as the more artistic you are the more colorful the room will be and the child is sure to love it all the more.
There are no rules for doing up your child’s room just go with the flow, do whatever you want to do or feel like doing. Just make it a fun activity and you are sure to be happy and make to your child happy and comfortable too.

Do not rush into making your child room take time, do not just rush into choosing a wall paper at one store see more stores narrow down a few ones and then select the best out of the lot.

It is always better to use wall paper than paint in your child’s room. Wall paper is faster cleaner and looks really nice as you can choose lovely patters and prints.

Painting is more tedious and time consuming though it is more lasting than wall paper it is still best to be avoided in a child’s room as children can dirty the walls so wall papers can be replaced as it is way more inexpensive in comparison to paint.

Use attractive colors for the child’s room colors like pink, peach, blue, light green, off white, light orange, yellow are good and soft on the eyes. Try avoiding using harsh colors like purple, red, black, dark blue.

While doing your child’s room safety has to top the list make sure the windows have strong and completely covered with grills. If not grills you can use French glass pane windows that have a lock to it and the lock is safely high up.
Make sure if there is a balcony then the balcony door be shut tight and the child is not accessible to any of the latches.

Keep an eye to leave the room spacious do not clutter it too much, keep it more open for the child to have enough space to run around without getting knocked out by side boards or cupboards.

While decorating the room do not forget to add fun elements like fluorescent stars to the ceiling or some cute and colorful chimes or even colorful stickers are a good way to add the fun element in the room. Fill up the room with toys, stuff toys, colorful play mats, colorful cushions with cartoon prints and some books. 
Instead of fabric curtains you can use colorful vinyl blinds which are a cheaper and an attractive option.

Children room has to be done up using your heart more and head less, make it with love and it is sure to make your child happy and comfortable. After all it is the child that makes a house a home.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Signs of labor

You are getting cramps but are they contractions of labor or they are false alarms you can never know. It is so often seen you take your bag and rush to the hospital and are sent back as it was a false alarm. Even ladies who have been pregnant before can never differentiate between an actual labor and false alarm. As the pain and the cramps that follow are just the same. Urine leek due to bladder pressure is taken as a water break so you are sure it is labor but again it is a false alarm.
Given below are some points that will help you understand the true signs of labor-

1. Breaking of the water bag is priority the main sign of a women going into labor. I t normally seen a women goes into labor in an hour or 2 after her water bag burst. Only after the water bag burst does the dilation begin. Please do not confuse leaking of urine
to be a water bag burst. They are completely different, not necessary when the water breaks there will be a huge gush of water but if the water is sticky and colorless then understand it is a water break so pack your bags and leave for the hospital.

2. False contractions are severe contractions but after sometime they will disappear, so wait for sometime before you run to the doctor. Labor contractions are severe
in comparison and they will go on increasing every hour till delivery. Labor contractions are more unbearable than false labor.

3. You will notice some discharge from cervix, this happens because the cervix is dilating and softening and getting ready for labor. If you see discharge in your 9th month then start getting prepared as your labor is just a few hours or a day away.

4. During the last phase of labor there is also a chance for you to get diarrhea, as a hormone releases which can lead to stimulating the bowel movements
leading to frequency of stools and diarrhea in some cases.

5. Backache is common especially in the last trimester but if in the last month the backache gets severe it is a symptom that your labor is near.

Birth of the baby is a miracle whenever it is just keep your strength intact and your faith in the almighty. As in labor you will require all the strength you have.

After all who has ever said being a mother is easy :-)))!!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Urinary Incontinence during and after pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the entire body and its functioning to a major extent, a lot happens inside and we aren't even aware. There are in-numerous changes happening inside the body and everyday there is a new symptom. When they say a pregnant woman has volatile mood swings it is true, after all the body is going thru physical, emotional and hormonal changes, it isn't easy. And so the beauty of child birth is only for a woman as she only has the emotional strength to carry and then deliver a baby. God therefore has been only so kind on our species.

We come back to the changes in our body working system, they are bound to get disturbed after your  baby is growing inside you so its obvious fact that the body will also grow. The more your uterus expands the more stretch happens in and around the abdomen area. A lot of muscles become weaker and overridden. Urinary incontinence is one of the major problems we see during pregnancy and in some cases even after child birth. What is urinary incontinence? This is in simple terms is uncontrollable leaking of your urine at the slightest pressure. And in medical terms they call is an involuntary loss of urine due to an overactive bladder and superseded urethra. The uterus is growing and expanding, this leads to excess pressure on the bladder and therefore the bladder has these overindulgent spasms that keep giving you the urge to use the bathroom as often as every 30 minutes. A sudden cough or high pitched laughing and you may leak a few drops of urine. Please don't get embarrassed it happens to every pregnant women and nothing to be ashamed off come on it's your body that is going thru so much and we have to be considerate to it. We need to understand that during pregnancy the expansion of the uterus leads to putting too much pressure and stress on the bladder and that pressure is the only reason for the leak of urine. In many cases this problem solves after delivery but in some cases that have had a tough labor the problem continues for a few more weeks. Too much pushing can lead to causing pressure on the pelvic floor muscle that plays a very crucial role during child birth, and weakening of this pelvic floor muscle can also lead to urinary incontinence. For this reason only we insist on during Kegel exercises all thru your pregnancy. Doing Kegel exercises is the only way you can control urinary incontinence during as well as after Pregnancy and child birth can lead to injuring as well as denting of the nerves that control the bladder, and episiotomy during labor also further weaken the pelvic floor muscle that can further lead to more urinary incontinence. Volatile behavior due to emotional and physical stress also affects this problem. To deal with it you need to keep yourself relaxed and calm at all times and keep doing Kegel exercises as often as possible and while doing so keep increasing your stretch capacity, it's the only way to deal with urinary incontinence. If even after 6 weeks your problem hasn't solved please go and see your health care expert.
Get more information about the pregnancy health @

Thursday 29 May 2014

Your food selection affects the baby’s gender - Myth

God has given us such a beautiful power to give birth and bring up a baby, what I don’t understand is why we are out to make everything around it so mysterious and more than anything funny.

There are so many theories and old wives tale surrounding pregnancy that it is nothing short of being hilarious. From when you conceive to in what position of sex did you conceive to who initiated the love making to what time of the day you conceived and top of the line what kind of foods you have eaten or will eat to determine the sex of your baby.

What is a fact is eating good nutritional food and living a healthy lifestyle that will generate a healthy baby and that is all that’s true in the food theory.Getting pregnant and then delivering a bundle of complete joy is the true magic and nothing else there are no magic foods portions or positions that will give you a boy or a girl. You get what is destined to be in your life and what ever be it, remember it’s a gods blessing and will only bring you loads and loads of happiness.

The only thing that determines the gender is the X and Y chromosome that is given to the mother’s egg by the father’s sperm.
Let me give you some of the vaguest and the weirdest of theories I have come across that determine the baby’s gender and please let me tell you it is all a MYTH not a single word is true or has any scientific proof to it.

Some vague theories to have a son-
If you want a boy have more sex before your ovulation date and if you get knocked up on your ovulation date or later then you have conceived a boy.
Having sex in doggie style position and in the night ensures a boy.
If the love making was initiated by the father then you have conceived a son.
 If you have eaten or if you are eating foods that are high in sodium and high in proteins like meats fish and if in carbohydrates you have eaten more of white flour and have eaten potassium rich foods like bananas and fruits based morning breakfast cereals then you are going to have a baby boy.

Vague theories to conceive a daughter
If you have conceived before your ovulation date then for sure it’s a girl as according to some X chromosomes are lighters and faster so if you conceive before the ovulation date it’s a girl
If you had sex more during the day and in the traditional position leads to a girl.If the love making was initiated by the mother then you have conceived a girl.

If you were drinking or are drinking plenty of milk or your diet is rich in dairy products like cheese butter yogurt and you are consuming fewer meats and eating foods that are sweeter and less salty, plus if you have gorged or are gorging too much on chocolates then for sure you are having a girl.

On a serious note none of the above are true, what is true is you are pregnant and that’s is a blessing and accept the blessing with happiness eat good healthy nutritional foods. That’s is! Eat Healthy and Live Healthy -The only fact!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

20 Ways to teach your child

  1. Make eye contact with your baby. Every time you talk to your baby look at her in the eye and talk. Infants familiarize with the face instantly each time your baby looks at your face she is edifying her memory.
  2.  Show them pictures of objects, animals, colors and flowers. Children memory is sharper and stronger they will catch the pictures faster and will relate the word with it.
  3. Talk to your child as often as possible. Keep talking about everything you are doing. While bathing, while feeding while playing. When the baby tries to babble back you too answer back in babble.
  4. Tickle and play with the baby in the play time. Tickling will make the baby laugh and they will identify laughter as being happy. So she will relate her play time as a happy time.
  5. While playing with your baby make funny faces to her make funny noises too. See how she reacts to them if a face she laughs on make it more often.
  6. Bonding with your baby is primary every mothers first responsibility is to make a strong bond with her child.
  7. Breastfeeding the baby is very important, study has shown a breast fed baby is far sharper smarter and emotionally much secured.
  8. Spend quality time with your baby, at that time no TV no music no books nothing, just you and your baby talking or just snuggling with each other.
  9. Nowadays we get some amazing educational DVDs with lots of music and fun way to teach the child. Letting the baby watch the DVD for half an hour a day is good initially later on you can increase the time.
  10. Buying a play mat or a baby gym is also a good investment; these are very attractive and will initiate the child to move physically to touch and feel things.
  11. Babies are very curious so let them investigate things on their own never restrict their movement by holding them or keeping them strapped up leave them on the floor for some time to explore.
  12. Always take the baby shopping with you, once the baby will understand this is a routine and will eventually settle in it. While shopping talk to your baby show him the stuff you are buying to keep him occupied.
  13. Peek-a-boo is an age old game but it is still the best to keep your baby amused. Play peek-a-boo with him to make him laugh and have fun.
  1. While feeding the baby top food make sure the baby is sitting on a high chair with the entire family this will develop the habit of eating meals with the family and the baby will earn table manners faster.
  1. Books play a pivotal role in a child upbringing, so reading a book to your child from an early age is very necessary. There is no age for reading stories you can read to them from the day they are born.
  1. When you start with alphabets dedicate at least 2 weeks to one alphabet. Show the child every object that begins with the alphabet so she can relate to words and the alphabet faster.
  1. Make a scrap book with your baby where you should mention each achievement of the baby. For example- when the baby said his first word, or recognized his first alphabet or first object even his first visit to the zoo ect ect.
  1. Buying educational activities or games is also a great way to teach your child, these activity games, books or DVDs are great ways to teach your baby.
  1. Joining a mother toddler class is also a great way for the child to learn and understand the whole concept of a school. It is a fact a child who has attended mother toddler class adjusts well to the school routine.
  1. Spending quality time with both the parents as well as grandparents is the bet way to teach your child moral values and family values. Making  an effort to have  dinner or lunch one weekend with the entire family is the best way to give your child a healthy upbringing.

Monday 12 May 2014

Bed wetting or primary nocturnal enuresis

Bed wetting is a common childhood problem there is nothing to be ashamed off if your child is doing so. Like many other childhood dilemmas this is one too. Waking up in the night to change yours child’s bed sheets and clothes is a normal phenomenon for every parent it is way more common than we can imagine. The whole feeling of embarrassment or shamefulness by parents makes the child feel more awkward and makes them feel as if he or she is the only child doing it. Bed wetting can last up to the age of 10 plus in some cases till about the age of 5 nearly 90% children are into bed wetting. In a study it is proven that nearly 5 to 10 million children wet their beds at night and the percentage is more in boys than girls. Parents usually blame their children and accuse them of laziness as the cause for bed wetting this can lead to causing inferiority complex in the kids.

Bed wetting is hereditary factor in most children. The only solution to bed wetting is communicating with your baby and making him understand that he is not at fault and not alone, it is a common problem and there is nothing to be embarrassed off. The reasons for bedwetting are delay in maturity of bladder in children it takes time for the brain and bladder to work in co-ordination but eventually it will overcome with age and the co-ordination will improve. ADH Hormone- this hormone works towards controlling the kidney to formulate less urine at night. In some kids this hormone is present in less quantity and can lead to bed wetting. Children who sleep in deep slumber, these kids sleep so deeply that their brain doesn’t get the bladder signal of being full hence leads to bed wetting.

Only in 2 % cases bed wetting is caused due to medical reasons like urinary tract infection or sleep apnea, diabetes as well as abnormality of the bladder. These medical problems can be overcome by treatment and medication and good medical care. To a great extent psychosomatic turmoil has a lot to do with bed wetting at an elder age. To control bed wetting avoid medicines especially if your child is less than 10 years of age. The best remedies are persuade to the child to use the washroom before going to bed,  try and avoid giving too much of liquids at least 3 hours prior to bed time. Put a plastic sheet between the bed sheet and the mattress. Keep a check on the child’s body clock if you know the time around which she wets her bed try waking the child up to use the washroom. This will eventually become a habit.

Communicate with your child softly and not punish or scold as this will only increase the issue if you are shouting out of sheer fear the child will bed wet more often. It is not your child only nearly every other child does bed wetting but it is something no one discusses openly so you will never now about it. Just stay calm and handle your baby calmly.

Monday 5 May 2014

Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancies in nearly all the cases is a happy news and joyful moment but in certain cases especially teenage pregnancies it is a case of grievous concern. These unplanned pregnancies can create a huge issue for teenage girls who are physically mentally and financially unprepared to handle a baby. Nature has designed our bodies in such a way that girls can get pregnant as early as the age of 13, this age is physically and emotionally a very fragile time as the body is not prepared to handle the complication of pregnancy. In - case you do get pregnant by mistake, such situations are not welcomed with whole heartiness. It is a tough situation and you have to be courageous to face and deal with it. Giving birth to a baby is not easy and bringing up the baby is the toughest task for a women. Some teens out of recklessness even decide to give birth not realizing the consequences of becoming a parent.

 If you fear you are pregnant first make sure of it take a home pregnancy test. The common indications of pregnancy are fatigue, nausea, tenderness in the breast, frequent urination and the most prominent indication is missing your menstrual cycle date. Once the home test is positive go to the nearest health center and get it confirmed as at times home test can be erroneous.

If your pregnancy is confirmed talk to someone about it, I know it is not easy to trust at this stage as you are worried about your parent’s reaction but you got to speak to a trust worthy person. Try and talk to an elder person who is more matured to help you out in this situation. If you think you can speak to your parents, then trust me nothing is better they will yell and be angry but they are your parents and will help you find a solution to it.

Before speaking to your parents or your friend inform your partner about the pregnancy, as he is the father and needs to be informed. If he is levelheaded and matured he will support you and your decision full - fledged. But please speak to your parents I know it is not easy as in most cases the parents are not even aware that you have been physically active but you need to find the courage to do so. They will be your best guide in this situation.

After that consult a doctor and study all the options available to you. Think rationally about the pros and cons and with your head not your heart. This needs to be a practical solution not an emotional one as bringing up the baby is going to be your responsibility entirely. If you are thinking of an abortion, get the right medical help to see if at all an abortion is possible. Then get yourself prepared emotionally for this traumatic experience. Knowing whatever you are doing is for your and your baby's best.
In-case your partner is ready to support and marry you then it is the best option for both of you bring up the baby together like a family. In all cases it will be your decision whether it is abortion, or giving the baby for adoption or single parenting or getting married. Whatever it is, it is your decision and your choice. Just think ten times before you take n decision.

Find out of all the help you can get with the medical bills your accommodation your expenses. Pick up a decent place to stay and start working to save as much as possible for the baby. Get yourself mentally prepared and ready to handle not only yourself but your baby too. Teenage pregnancies can have a few complications because of the age make sure you choose a good health practitioner and go for your checkups regularly. Because you are a young mother you need to take care of your nutrition with extra effort make sure you are eating well and good nutritious food. Take care it is an uphill task but if you have taken the first step then go ahead with strength.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Birth Defects in babies

Unfortunate as it may sound even with all the prenatal care at times your baby can be born with certain defects.  Defects at birth can be due to genetic or environmental reasons or at times the reason can also be unknown. Even with the mother and father being perfectly healthy at times the baby can be born with some or the other birth defect. In some cases it is also seen that the older sibling is healthy the parents are healthy but the second baby can be born with a birth defect and in such cases the reason for the defects are completely unknown. In Canada itself 2 out of every 100 child is born with a defect of some kind. With advanced medical science at times the defect is caught when the baby is in the womb, at times this defect can be treated in the womb itself but in some unfortunate pregnancies the foetus needs to be aborted when the defect in the baby is fatal and can even cause harm to the mother.

Every mother prays and wishes for a healthy baby but sometimes nature just plays cruel and we have to face it and handle it with strength and hope. We think birth defects are untreatable and can be fatal but that is not true if detected on time many defects can be treated and in time eradicated. Though it is important to note that birth defects can be genetic but not always in some instances perfectly healthy parents can deliver a baby with some defect or the other. Birth defects are antidramic in the body it can be abnormality of the physical parts or functions even defective body mechanism and metabolism of the system. Some defects can be taken care by medicines as well as good nutrition while in some cases there can b a requirement for a surgery to correct the defect. There are more than 4000 kinds of birth defects that can affect your baby, some small defects to some humongous ones. Minor ones can be treated even before your baby is born and some can be treated after delivery, where as some have no cure and unfortunately can cause infant death. Some of the common physical birth defects are as follows-

  • Cleft lip- This defect is a facial defect where the lips are not formed properly, this is most likely a genetic defect. But it is a curable defect and can be cured surgically after the baby is born. 
  • Cerebral palsy- This defect is a brain defect which can be genetic but in most cases this a brain defect is caused due to environmental issues. This is a defect which can later develop into multiple brain disorders or conditions, not 100% curable it can be handled with some care and right counseling as well as medical help. 
  • Club foot- This defect is connected to abnormalities in the foot of the baby, it can be an ankle joint foot bone or muscle defect. Seen more in boys than girls this defect can be treated with right orthopedic treatment right after birth, and in most cases it is completely cured. 
  • Heart defects- This defect occurs when the baby's heart does not develop properly, there are many different kinds of defects in this some fatal some curable.

There are more than 4000 kinds of birth defects that your baby can get affected with, it is scary but it is a hurtful truth even if we follow the doctor’s advice with complete dedication there can be a possibility your baby can be born with a birth defect. It is hurting but as they say it is not the end of the world we all live and survive on hope. Never give up every child comes into this world as god's gift and for a reason whatever the defect be don't give up. Most of the defects are completely curable with time so stay strong and have faith.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Childhood obesity a growing concern

Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem for we parents today. This is a serious issue and needs to be handled immediately as this condition is affecting our children and creating huge health hazards for them. Obesity in children has seen a sharp rise in the last few years and this condition is not getting any better, we have every child specialist emphasizing on the importance of watching what your child eats, as today every other child is obese. Obesity is when your child is double or at least a few kilograms more than their normal weight in comparison to their height and age.

Why do we need to worry about obesity now? As obesity in childhood has shown a connection leading to health issues in future; health scares like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and breathing related issues. Obesity can also lead to psychological disorders among children as it can lead to low self estem and self confidence. Child obesity is a disease and we have to work towards putting an end to it.

Obesity in children can be controlled by improving their eating habits, time and again I have emphasized that a mother needs to eat healthy food so that the child is healthy, as this obesity can be noticed from day 1. A mother who has eaten junk food all throughout her pregnancy will have a baby with low birth weight and if the mother has bad eating habits her child will learn the same and have the same eating habits and sooner or later become a victim to child obesity. 

Our children stay a lot indoors, television, I pads, computers, laptops, play stations, video games are all responsible for keeping the child indoors. Keep a time limit for it makes it compulsory for your child to go and play outdoor physical activities at least for a hour a day and if not at least on the weekends. Physical activities like running, swimming, skating and playing tennis must be included in their curriculum make sure your child does at least one physical activity every week to keep them fit and strong.

Stop buying junk food like wafers, chips, fried foods, candies, chocolates and creamy donuts completely. As it is when your child is out they eat junk food, at home completely stop their intake of these fried and sugary foods. Buy healthy food snacks and encourage them to snack on fruits rather than chips. Make sure you kid drinks at least 2 glasses of milk daily and that should be enforced. Even for drinks encourage them to pick up fresh fruit juices or smoothies or coconut water instead of sodas or colas. A child always ape's their parent if your child see's you eating healthy food they will too be inclined to healthy eating. 

So first improve your food habits and lifestyle then only you can bring about a change in your child. On weekends make it a family activity to go for a swim or cycling or for a morning jog make it a fun time. Also make sure if you are taking your child out  for lunch or dinner choose a healthy food option like a salad bar or a an Italian restaurant or even a Chinese or an Indian restaurant would do instead of a burger or a junk food joint. Every meal must consist of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and all this comes from fresh home cooked meals. Eating healthy and living an active life is the only mantra to good health for you and your family.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Dealing with Baby Acne

Acne in babies is again not an uncommon phenomenon, I know it is hard to digest when we bring the house ceiling down if we get acne now we have to deal with our baby's acne. 

This is a skin condition in infants which is absolutely harmless and is seen in babies from 0 to 7 months. Baby acne is caused when there is a hormonal imbalance which starts to function in the baby's body which leads to clogging of the oily glands and causing acne. In infants baby acne is called milia this condition is seen more in boys than girls. They are tiny rash kind of bumps in red or white color. Milia can occur just after the baby's birth or then in the 2nd or 3rd month of the baby's birth.

This acne is completely harmless and will disappear just as it appeared. Though there is no need for any treatment or medication as it will go off on its own but certain precautions will help it heal faster. Firstly do not try to pop, pierce or pinch it neither use any strong antiseptic ointment on it, it is baby acne and is not the same as adult acne.

Use a mild non - oily baby soap or body wash and shampoo for your baby, you can also ask your pediatrician to recommend one in case of baby acne. If it is severe winters only then use a moisturizer in case of summer avoid baby lotion till the acne disappears. Make sure you keep the baby's acne attacked area clean and dry, use a soft cloth dipped in warm water you can even use a baby wipe but ensure it has no astringent and no alcohol sign on it. Make you baby wear mittens to keep them from scratching on the acne. If your baby shows signs of discomfort because of the acne ask your doctor to recommend a mild talc , talc will give baby some coolness on the irritating acne and also known to treat the acne. If you are feeding your baby make sure your diet is not oily and spicy as these foods will aggravate your baby’s acne. Eat salads, nuts, fruits and vegetables for some time avoid non vegetarian food too as it creates heat and can aggravate the problem.

If the acne persists longer then take the baby to the pediatrician to examine the acne and as per that start some medication to treat it.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Baby oil and tips for massaging.

Massage is very essential for your baby, it is an age old saying that massaging the baby before bedtime will always make the baby sleep better. Using a massage oil for massaging the baby is always better than using creams and lotions, oils are always a better option. Oils are easily absorbed into the skin and a hot water bath after the oil massage is bliss for your baby.

There are many branded baby oils available in the stores today, you can choose the one which suits your baby the most, as baby oils are rich in moisturizer and will make your baby skin become soft and supple.

Oils which are good for your baby depends on your baby's skin and the climatic conditions. In summers coconut oils is well suited as it has cooling properties and will make the baby feel cool and relaxed. During winter you can opt for mustard oil this oil is a warm oil and will add strength to your baby and also make his bones strong. Mustard oil has some great benefits for the baby and massaging your baby with it will do wonders to the baby and his body.

Olive oil and almond oil are also super oils for massaging and can be used throughout the year, both these oils are also good for the baby’s hair and can be used for scalp massage too. 

Before massaging the baby make sure you warm up the oil , a warm oil will absorb faster and also relax the baby, babies are lying down at all times and this can lead to some stress on their backs, a hot oil massage  will relieve them of any discomfort. Make sure the oil is warm and not hot to burn the baby just Luke warm , massage the baby's limbs lightly and softly and in circular movements only do not try pulling or stretching the limbs of your infant.

 After massage wrap the baby in a towel and bathe them in warm water only, during acute winter you can avoid a bath and just sponge clean the baby. Dress the baby comfortably in loose clothing and feed them only after the massage. Please ensure there is an hour’s gap between the last feed and the massage. Within a few minutes you will see your baby fast asleep in a peaceful bliss after a good massage relaxing bath and tummy full feed.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Your baby has a personality of his own

when your baby is born; the first thing you see is who the baby looks like it's every mother's anxiety that the baby adopts the best looks of the family. Looks of the baby can always go on the family members but their personality traits at times are a replica of any one parent along with some of their own personal traits which are in-born in them and can be completely different from their either parents.

 Babies Development

Their in- born personality is always the more dominant to decide their base nature, their reasons to cry show anger even laugh all this has a lot to do with their personal traits. The babies’ emotional and physical growth and development too are ruled by the babies’ personal habits, some babies who have laziness as an in-born habit will be lazy always, they will crawl less and walk late. Babies who are born moody will always be moody, their laughter their behavior will fluctuate as per their mood swings.

I know it sounds frustrating as here you wished you could change a few things in your partner’s personality now you have a baby who has a set of his own behavioral mood swings. May be you can't do much to change the annoying habits of your partner but you can do some changes in your babies in-born traits. For example if you have a cranky baby who has a tendency to cry for everything, from the very beginning you can bring in a change .One by not giving into lame crying as most babies just cry for attention and when they realize it is not working they start behaving themselves, same way if you have a baby with temper issues you can control it by trying to divert the babies attention to something more interesting and giving the baby loads of your special pampering and patience.

But make sure you do not fall for the baby's unnecessary tantrums that will give a boost to their tantrum throwing and increase your stress even more; being a little strict will only do good in the long run.

There are various techniques to check the babies behavioral levels like -

Physical Activity Level- Once your baby is 5 months plus you can judge their activity level by their day to day regime. If your baby is a soft and calm baby you will notice them being happy in their bouncy chair happily playing with their one toy, their bath and diaper change schedules are also easy. But a hyper baby will make his bath and diaper change time a hard task for you, neither will they be content sitting in one place in such cases your baby is a hyper child and you need to help channelize their energies into more physical activities.

Daily Schedule- If your baby is a clock work baby then you definitely are a lucky mother, as that's the way they will be always. Their food time, potty time, bath time, play time and sleep time will be fixed and you have nothing to work on. But if your baby has no fixed time schedule then you need to forcefully exercise it but gradually. Make sure you take an extra effort and feed the baby on the fixed time only and also try and fix a common place for feeding the baby, changing the location to feed the baby often is not right. They should be taught from the beginning that food has to be eaten at one fixed place only. Make sure you are strict with their sleep time, babies at times tend to over stretch themselves you need to set a sleep deadline for them and keep it fixed for as long as possible. Even when they are bigger insist on their bed time schedule and no leniency in that should be given.

Social Level- Some babies are born socialites they will beam at every one who greets them or smile at all, some will go further and smile even to strangers to catch their attention. With such social children there is really nothing you can do but do keep an eye as every stranger may not be a good person. Whereas some kids are born shy and they will even not take an effort to be social with their extended family, there is no reason to worry about all you need to do is work towards making them more social and shed their inhibitions. Kids are just like we soft clay you can mold them as and how you want to, but make sure when you are molding them you do not overdo it and crush their personal personality under your desires, give them an open path to dwell and develop as they want to. Correct them when they are wrong, applaud them when they are right and love them for everything as every child is special in his or her own way.

Friday 28 March 2014


Infants or newborn’s we call the babies who have just been delivered. The first few weeks after their birth we will see the babies only sleeping. An infant will sleep up to 16 –18 hours a day, getting up only for a feed or a diaper change. Many a times a mother has to literally nudge the baby to feed him. It’s an old saying many of us may also have heard it from our granny’s, do not disturb the baby while sleeping as the baby is growing. The more the baby will sleep the stronger they will be.

It is definitely not a myth, it’s a fact newborns while sleeping are growing in every way their physical body, their motor skills, their psychological and communal skills, their mental cognition, each and every aspect of their body is grasping from their environment and helping them grow.

Physical Growth –
Every day in the 1st month you can see a change in your baby. Especially the 1st and 2nd week there is a rapid weight gain in the baby. Most babies are said to gain around 4 oz to 8 oz per week and about 1-1.5 inches in height in a month.

Therefore the first year of the baby is known as the swift growth period. By the time the baby is 6 months old their body weight will be twofold their birth weight, and the baby will be threefold grown by the time they turn a year old.

Not only does their body weight increase but there is a significant growth in their height and body size. Their head their chest their hands and feet all of it will be bigger and stronger. Newborns have a soft skull at birth by the 3rd-4th moth that too gets filled up and gets hard.
Their necks are more stable and they can hold their heads without your support.

The development of the baby also depends a lot on the mother’s health and the house environment. A happy and healthy mother will generate the same genes to the baby and a happy home will always enhance the baby’s growth. Especially mother who are breast feeding their babies please eat well nutritious food and try to stay as calm as happy as you can as your emotions will reflect a lot on your baby’s growth.

Motor Skills
Motor skills development is mostly the same in all infants. The beginning 0-3 months will only see small activities like head lifting, some kicking and hand movements. The major development of the motor skills can be seen in the 2nd term of 3-6 months and onwards. From the 2nd term there will be a rapid development of motor skills, it’s a great time watching your kid becoming more and more active by the day.

Psychological and Communal skills
Newborns will not showcase an immediate growth in their communal skills. The beginning trimester the only communication is high pitched crying and occasional smiles and gurgles. Newborns are said to gurgle a lot in their sleep especially after a good feed.
Smiling is a prize reserved mainly for the mother, during the awake hours playing and singing to your baby helps their psychologically growth. Development in their communal and social skills is more after the 6th month, when their sense of recognition has grown and they start responding using their emotions.

Mental Cognition Skill-
In the early stage the babies cognition skill are quiet defined, they cry when they are hungry or uncomfortable, they smile when everything is going as per their comfort.
Their mental abilities are in the growing process and they become significant only in the later months. An infant will showcase her cognitive skills only to the mother. Their occasional smiles when held in their mother embrace or their high pitched crying suddenly stopping as soon as they are in their mothers arm .Their sense of belonging towards their mother or attachment towards their parent is the very clear in the 1st term. After the 6th month and onwards you will see a considerable growth in their cognitive skills.

The earlier months after your baby is born can be termed as 1st time months. Everything is so new, their 1st cry to their 1st feed their 1st gurgle their 1st smile their 1st yawn etc.
Every day you will see some new growth in them. These moths are much cherished periods and their memories last with you for a lifetime. Making a baby book and keeping a record of their 1st skill is a great way to save the memory for a life time.

A beautiful phase of your life has begun dear mom enjoy every moment of it for you truly deserve it!!