Sunday 13 April 2014

Dealing with Baby Acne

Acne in babies is again not an uncommon phenomenon, I know it is hard to digest when we bring the house ceiling down if we get acne now we have to deal with our baby's acne. 

This is a skin condition in infants which is absolutely harmless and is seen in babies from 0 to 7 months. Baby acne is caused when there is a hormonal imbalance which starts to function in the baby's body which leads to clogging of the oily glands and causing acne. In infants baby acne is called milia this condition is seen more in boys than girls. They are tiny rash kind of bumps in red or white color. Milia can occur just after the baby's birth or then in the 2nd or 3rd month of the baby's birth.

This acne is completely harmless and will disappear just as it appeared. Though there is no need for any treatment or medication as it will go off on its own but certain precautions will help it heal faster. Firstly do not try to pop, pierce or pinch it neither use any strong antiseptic ointment on it, it is baby acne and is not the same as adult acne.

Use a mild non - oily baby soap or body wash and shampoo for your baby, you can also ask your pediatrician to recommend one in case of baby acne. If it is severe winters only then use a moisturizer in case of summer avoid baby lotion till the acne disappears. Make sure you keep the baby's acne attacked area clean and dry, use a soft cloth dipped in warm water you can even use a baby wipe but ensure it has no astringent and no alcohol sign on it. Make you baby wear mittens to keep them from scratching on the acne. If your baby shows signs of discomfort because of the acne ask your doctor to recommend a mild talc , talc will give baby some coolness on the irritating acne and also known to treat the acne. If you are feeding your baby make sure your diet is not oily and spicy as these foods will aggravate your baby’s acne. Eat salads, nuts, fruits and vegetables for some time avoid non vegetarian food too as it creates heat and can aggravate the problem.

If the acne persists longer then take the baby to the pediatrician to examine the acne and as per that start some medication to treat it.

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