Sunday 8 June 2014

Urinary Incontinence during and after pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the entire body and its functioning to a major extent, a lot happens inside and we aren't even aware. There are in-numerous changes happening inside the body and everyday there is a new symptom. When they say a pregnant woman has volatile mood swings it is true, after all the body is going thru physical, emotional and hormonal changes, it isn't easy. And so the beauty of child birth is only for a woman as she only has the emotional strength to carry and then deliver a baby. God therefore has been only so kind on our species.

We come back to the changes in our body working system, they are bound to get disturbed after your  baby is growing inside you so its obvious fact that the body will also grow. The more your uterus expands the more stretch happens in and around the abdomen area. A lot of muscles become weaker and overridden. Urinary incontinence is one of the major problems we see during pregnancy and in some cases even after child birth. What is urinary incontinence? This is in simple terms is uncontrollable leaking of your urine at the slightest pressure. And in medical terms they call is an involuntary loss of urine due to an overactive bladder and superseded urethra. The uterus is growing and expanding, this leads to excess pressure on the bladder and therefore the bladder has these overindulgent spasms that keep giving you the urge to use the bathroom as often as every 30 minutes. A sudden cough or high pitched laughing and you may leak a few drops of urine. Please don't get embarrassed it happens to every pregnant women and nothing to be ashamed off come on it's your body that is going thru so much and we have to be considerate to it. We need to understand that during pregnancy the expansion of the uterus leads to putting too much pressure and stress on the bladder and that pressure is the only reason for the leak of urine. In many cases this problem solves after delivery but in some cases that have had a tough labor the problem continues for a few more weeks. Too much pushing can lead to causing pressure on the pelvic floor muscle that plays a very crucial role during child birth, and weakening of this pelvic floor muscle can also lead to urinary incontinence. For this reason only we insist on during Kegel exercises all thru your pregnancy. Doing Kegel exercises is the only way you can control urinary incontinence during as well as after Pregnancy and child birth can lead to injuring as well as denting of the nerves that control the bladder, and episiotomy during labor also further weaken the pelvic floor muscle that can further lead to more urinary incontinence. Volatile behavior due to emotional and physical stress also affects this problem. To deal with it you need to keep yourself relaxed and calm at all times and keep doing Kegel exercises as often as possible and while doing so keep increasing your stretch capacity, it's the only way to deal with urinary incontinence. If even after 6 weeks your problem hasn't solved please go and see your health care expert.
Get more information about the pregnancy health @

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