Thursday 29 May 2014

Your food selection affects the baby’s gender - Myth

God has given us such a beautiful power to give birth and bring up a baby, what I don’t understand is why we are out to make everything around it so mysterious and more than anything funny.

There are so many theories and old wives tale surrounding pregnancy that it is nothing short of being hilarious. From when you conceive to in what position of sex did you conceive to who initiated the love making to what time of the day you conceived and top of the line what kind of foods you have eaten or will eat to determine the sex of your baby.

What is a fact is eating good nutritional food and living a healthy lifestyle that will generate a healthy baby and that is all that’s true in the food theory.Getting pregnant and then delivering a bundle of complete joy is the true magic and nothing else there are no magic foods portions or positions that will give you a boy or a girl. You get what is destined to be in your life and what ever be it, remember it’s a gods blessing and will only bring you loads and loads of happiness.

The only thing that determines the gender is the X and Y chromosome that is given to the mother’s egg by the father’s sperm.
Let me give you some of the vaguest and the weirdest of theories I have come across that determine the baby’s gender and please let me tell you it is all a MYTH not a single word is true or has any scientific proof to it.

Some vague theories to have a son-
If you want a boy have more sex before your ovulation date and if you get knocked up on your ovulation date or later then you have conceived a boy.
Having sex in doggie style position and in the night ensures a boy.
If the love making was initiated by the father then you have conceived a son.
 If you have eaten or if you are eating foods that are high in sodium and high in proteins like meats fish and if in carbohydrates you have eaten more of white flour and have eaten potassium rich foods like bananas and fruits based morning breakfast cereals then you are going to have a baby boy.

Vague theories to conceive a daughter
If you have conceived before your ovulation date then for sure it’s a girl as according to some X chromosomes are lighters and faster so if you conceive before the ovulation date it’s a girl
If you had sex more during the day and in the traditional position leads to a girl.If the love making was initiated by the mother then you have conceived a girl.

If you were drinking or are drinking plenty of milk or your diet is rich in dairy products like cheese butter yogurt and you are consuming fewer meats and eating foods that are sweeter and less salty, plus if you have gorged or are gorging too much on chocolates then for sure you are having a girl.

On a serious note none of the above are true, what is true is you are pregnant and that’s is a blessing and accept the blessing with happiness eat good healthy nutritional foods. That’s is! Eat Healthy and Live Healthy -The only fact!

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