Monday 16 December 2013

Baby Development From 9-12 Months

You don’t need to make any extra efforts to loose weight as this stage of your baby as you’re bound to shed all the extra pounds. Now your baby is your weight trainer making you run up and down along with them.

At this stage you also become a baby with them, seeing them trying to get up on their own feet to taking their first unsupported step is such a prized memory.  

Their talking their moving around is a joy to watch as you get amazed how fast your time has passed from being pregnant to being a full time mom cum nanny cum friend to your little buddle of joy.

Toys play a very pivotal role at this stage; Toys-r-us is a good place where you can get a huge range of toys for your baby which is appropriate for their age.
Buying colorful books and musical cartoon DVD’s are also a good option to keep your toddler preoccupied.

At this stage the baby is fully aware of their surrounding and their inquisitiveness has grown leaps and bounds, they want to hold everything they want to reach every possible corner of the house, as if in search of some hidden treasure.

At this stage to keep them in front of your eyes, they are so fast and active that a blink of your eye and they are in the other corner of the room.

Keeping them entertained with colorful noisy toys, picture books even touch and feel books to playing a sound books and some child friendly DVD’s becomes necessary.

By the time they are in their 11th -12th month they are all set to take their first step during this phase its important for every parent to be around them to push them to move forward and to hold them if they fall.

Every baby being different please don’t compare your babies walking time with other babies, some walk in their 11th month some take longer up to 14-15 months. No need to get paranoid as long as your baby is happy healthy and active.

By the 12th moth the baby is capable enough to show you their emotions thru actions. Their NO will be clearly visible with their head actions of a no no and their YES will also be clear with their nod of a yes yes.

Talking to the baby and asking the baby to make sounds like maa or dada will help as the baby will also follow your actions and learn faster.

At this stage the mother is the teacher and the baby your student, your actions your emotions will be copied  by the baby, so make sure you stay happy and positive all the time. Even a small unhappy tear in your eye can be seen very evident in your baby’s unhappy face.

A mother is a mother and a father is a father both have their individual duties, neither one can replace the other but a mother is a child’s support system all thru their growing years. So keeping yourself happy and at peace will show it in your baby’s behavior. The happier you are the more secure and happy your baby is.

Live well and stay happy it’s a great time of your life, enjoy each moment with your angel.

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