Thursday 5 December 2013

Baby Development From 0-3 Months

So you’re a Mom now, lovely!! It is one of the best phases in the journey of life.The feeling of pride when you hold your infant in your arms is priceless, a feeling which will remain with your forever. The first touch of your baby when you hold them in your arms is the most secure feeling you will ever get.

Once the baby in home, all days they just sleep sleep and sleep. The 1st few weeks the baby will sleep almost 16 to 18 hours a day. It is advisable for the mother to also catch a few winks when her baby is asleep. As an infant needs to be fed every few hours, so an undisturbed sleep is something every mom has to sacrifice during the initial months.

The initial 3 months a very strong bond is developed between the mother and the child, the child can sense the warmth and the smell of the parents. It is only the embrace of a mother that can calm a crying baby.

When the baby is awake playing and singing to the baby is a great way to strengthen your bond.

Keeping the baby’s room hygienically clean, airy and making way for abundant sunlight is very necessary for the growth of the infant.

If the baby dozes off during day feeds it is alright if you gently nudge her awake so that the feed can be completed.

During the night, feeding the baby in absolute serenity and low lit room is advised as it will establish a pattern for the baby, that nights are meant to be for sleeping.

During this period playing music to them, singing to them ad holding them a lot is very important. While playing with them or rocking them to sleep one is advised to take the baby’s name often so they get registered to relating to the name.

The first 4 -6 weeks the baby only stares at the mothers face and at times voluntary smiles from the baby are also a prize a mother is paid with for her efforts. The early phase of 0-3 months is a tedious time for every mother but it is also the time to make your bond with your baby, a bond you make for life.

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