Friday 6 December 2013

Baby Development From 3-6 Months

By this period there is a huge physical change in the baby; not only the physical but also the social and motor skills of the baby have developed a lot. By now the baby has settled down with their sleeping and feeding patterns.By this time the mother has well adjusted to the baby’s needs and behavioral patterns.

Making eye contact with the family members, smiling and making you smile even when you are dead tired are some of the cherished moments between the mother and child.

By the 4th month the baby has a better social reaction to her environment. Smiling laughing and getting excited when the mother is around is a way to show their bond towards their parent.

Social Activities like being taken out in fresh air in the stroller to bathing time have a reaction, most of the time it’s a feeling of happiness at times the baby can get cranky to show its discomfort.

The period of 5-6 moths is when the baby starts paying heed to their motor skills; they will use their hands and leg far more than before. Playing with their own hands and feet are a common habit in nearly all the babies.

Using their hands to touch objects or pull things is commonly seen. Nowadays babies are all hyper active they feel they have to achieve everything at the earliest. Turing on to their stomachs or twisting their bodies to see something that has caught their attention will also start.

At this stage the babies are very attentive and try to make the most of their limited motor skills, they lift up their head and with our finger support are all ready to sit up.

Colorful and noisy toys are their favorite at this period, buying some nice colorful rattles is necessary.

By the time the baby is 6 months old she recognizes who the family members are and who are strangers. Their comfort level with family and discomfort with guest is very evident.

At this stage giving the baby more freedom is vital, it is important to place the baby on the floor mat surrounded by their favorite toys and giving them space to kick with their legs and investigate with their hands.

Every parent should keep in mind that every child is different and every child’s growth is also different. It isn’t necessary your baby will be as active as your friends or relatives baby, comparing your child growth is a huge mistake. Being attentive towards the baby’s growth is good but please don’t get obsessed with it.

Give the baby space and love and see it grow into a happy baby!

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