Monday 16 December 2013

Baby Development From 9-12 Months

You don’t need to make any extra efforts to loose weight as this stage of your baby as you’re bound to shed all the extra pounds. Now your baby is your weight trainer making you run up and down along with them.

At this stage you also become a baby with them, seeing them trying to get up on their own feet to taking their first unsupported step is such a prized memory.  

Their talking their moving around is a joy to watch as you get amazed how fast your time has passed from being pregnant to being a full time mom cum nanny cum friend to your little buddle of joy.

Toys play a very pivotal role at this stage; Toys-r-us is a good place where you can get a huge range of toys for your baby which is appropriate for their age.
Buying colorful books and musical cartoon DVD’s are also a good option to keep your toddler preoccupied.

At this stage the baby is fully aware of their surrounding and their inquisitiveness has grown leaps and bounds, they want to hold everything they want to reach every possible corner of the house, as if in search of some hidden treasure.

At this stage to keep them in front of your eyes, they are so fast and active that a blink of your eye and they are in the other corner of the room.

Keeping them entertained with colorful noisy toys, picture books even touch and feel books to playing a sound books and some child friendly DVD’s becomes necessary.

By the time they are in their 11th -12th month they are all set to take their first step during this phase its important for every parent to be around them to push them to move forward and to hold them if they fall.

Every baby being different please don’t compare your babies walking time with other babies, some walk in their 11th month some take longer up to 14-15 months. No need to get paranoid as long as your baby is happy healthy and active.

By the 12th moth the baby is capable enough to show you their emotions thru actions. Their NO will be clearly visible with their head actions of a no no and their YES will also be clear with their nod of a yes yes.

Talking to the baby and asking the baby to make sounds like maa or dada will help as the baby will also follow your actions and learn faster.

At this stage the mother is the teacher and the baby your student, your actions your emotions will be copied  by the baby, so make sure you stay happy and positive all the time. Even a small unhappy tear in your eye can be seen very evident in your baby’s unhappy face.

A mother is a mother and a father is a father both have their individual duties, neither one can replace the other but a mother is a child’s support system all thru their growing years. So keeping yourself happy and at peace will show it in your baby’s behavior. The happier you are the more secure and happy your baby is.

Live well and stay happy it’s a great time of your life, enjoy each moment with your angel.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Baby Development From 6-9 Months

Day in and day out you see the baby grow inch by inch, one day they roll one day they sit up without your support and before you know your infant is a grown toddler.

From a tiny tot to a naughty little angel. By this term the babies are aware of their name and react when you call out to them with their name.

Babies’ sense of recognition has grown and they are well versed with their family members.
A mother’s role only grows as the baby grows, their attachment to the baby can be well seen. If the mother is out of sight for a little longer their hues and cries are loud enough to make you realize you have been missed.

As soon as the parent appears the baby will show her excitement by sheer screech of happiness or by stretching her hands towards you, very clearly expressing her need to be picked up and cuddled.

6-9 months is a very risky time for the mothers as they have to forever keep the child in supervision. Being able to sit and crawl around without support the babies are very inquisitive to touch and feel everything.

The touch feel factor doesn’t just end there, they are likely to pick up small objects and put it in their mouth, so adult supervision at this stage and onwards becomes very important.
This period is a good time to start some solid foods for the baby as the more they grow the hungrier they will be.

Their nonstop babbles, their different sounds will keep you entertained all thru the day.

By this time the babies are accustomed to sleep all thru the night, with just one mid night feed. They are active all thru the day with may be just 1 or 2 small naps during day time.

Games like peek-a-boo, clapping your hands and some animal sounds chirpy music will keep the baby happy and entertained.

This is a comfortable period where the mother and child both are well set and adapted to each others routine, at this stage the mother gets ample time to herself as the baby will also be happy being attended by the other family members.

Friday 6 December 2013

Baby Development From 3-6 Months

By this period there is a huge physical change in the baby; not only the physical but also the social and motor skills of the baby have developed a lot. By now the baby has settled down with their sleeping and feeding patterns.By this time the mother has well adjusted to the baby’s needs and behavioral patterns.

Making eye contact with the family members, smiling and making you smile even when you are dead tired are some of the cherished moments between the mother and child.

By the 4th month the baby has a better social reaction to her environment. Smiling laughing and getting excited when the mother is around is a way to show their bond towards their parent.

Social Activities like being taken out in fresh air in the stroller to bathing time have a reaction, most of the time it’s a feeling of happiness at times the baby can get cranky to show its discomfort.

The period of 5-6 moths is when the baby starts paying heed to their motor skills; they will use their hands and leg far more than before. Playing with their own hands and feet are a common habit in nearly all the babies.

Using their hands to touch objects or pull things is commonly seen. Nowadays babies are all hyper active they feel they have to achieve everything at the earliest. Turing on to their stomachs or twisting their bodies to see something that has caught their attention will also start.

At this stage the babies are very attentive and try to make the most of their limited motor skills, they lift up their head and with our finger support are all ready to sit up.

Colorful and noisy toys are their favorite at this period, buying some nice colorful rattles is necessary.

By the time the baby is 6 months old she recognizes who the family members are and who are strangers. Their comfort level with family and discomfort with guest is very evident.

At this stage giving the baby more freedom is vital, it is important to place the baby on the floor mat surrounded by their favorite toys and giving them space to kick with their legs and investigate with their hands.

Every parent should keep in mind that every child is different and every child’s growth is also different. It isn’t necessary your baby will be as active as your friends or relatives baby, comparing your child growth is a huge mistake. Being attentive towards the baby’s growth is good but please don’t get obsessed with it.

Give the baby space and love and see it grow into a happy baby!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Baby Development From 0-3 Months

So you’re a Mom now, lovely!! It is one of the best phases in the journey of life.The feeling of pride when you hold your infant in your arms is priceless, a feeling which will remain with your forever. The first touch of your baby when you hold them in your arms is the most secure feeling you will ever get.

Once the baby in home, all days they just sleep sleep and sleep. The 1st few weeks the baby will sleep almost 16 to 18 hours a day. It is advisable for the mother to also catch a few winks when her baby is asleep. As an infant needs to be fed every few hours, so an undisturbed sleep is something every mom has to sacrifice during the initial months.

The initial 3 months a very strong bond is developed between the mother and the child, the child can sense the warmth and the smell of the parents. It is only the embrace of a mother that can calm a crying baby.

When the baby is awake playing and singing to the baby is a great way to strengthen your bond.

Keeping the baby’s room hygienically clean, airy and making way for abundant sunlight is very necessary for the growth of the infant.

If the baby dozes off during day feeds it is alright if you gently nudge her awake so that the feed can be completed.

During the night, feeding the baby in absolute serenity and low lit room is advised as it will establish a pattern for the baby, that nights are meant to be for sleeping.

During this period playing music to them, singing to them ad holding them a lot is very important. While playing with them or rocking them to sleep one is advised to take the baby’s name often so they get registered to relating to the name.

The first 4 -6 weeks the baby only stares at the mothers face and at times voluntary smiles from the baby are also a prize a mother is paid with for her efforts. The early phase of 0-3 months is a tedious time for every mother but it is also the time to make your bond with your baby, a bond you make for life.

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