Thursday 29 May 2014

Your food selection affects the baby’s gender - Myth

God has given us such a beautiful power to give birth and bring up a baby, what I don’t understand is why we are out to make everything around it so mysterious and more than anything funny.

There are so many theories and old wives tale surrounding pregnancy that it is nothing short of being hilarious. From when you conceive to in what position of sex did you conceive to who initiated the love making to what time of the day you conceived and top of the line what kind of foods you have eaten or will eat to determine the sex of your baby.

What is a fact is eating good nutritional food and living a healthy lifestyle that will generate a healthy baby and that is all that’s true in the food theory.Getting pregnant and then delivering a bundle of complete joy is the true magic and nothing else there are no magic foods portions or positions that will give you a boy or a girl. You get what is destined to be in your life and what ever be it, remember it’s a gods blessing and will only bring you loads and loads of happiness.

The only thing that determines the gender is the X and Y chromosome that is given to the mother’s egg by the father’s sperm.
Let me give you some of the vaguest and the weirdest of theories I have come across that determine the baby’s gender and please let me tell you it is all a MYTH not a single word is true or has any scientific proof to it.

Some vague theories to have a son-
If you want a boy have more sex before your ovulation date and if you get knocked up on your ovulation date or later then you have conceived a boy.
Having sex in doggie style position and in the night ensures a boy.
If the love making was initiated by the father then you have conceived a son.
 If you have eaten or if you are eating foods that are high in sodium and high in proteins like meats fish and if in carbohydrates you have eaten more of white flour and have eaten potassium rich foods like bananas and fruits based morning breakfast cereals then you are going to have a baby boy.

Vague theories to conceive a daughter
If you have conceived before your ovulation date then for sure it’s a girl as according to some X chromosomes are lighters and faster so if you conceive before the ovulation date it’s a girl
If you had sex more during the day and in the traditional position leads to a girl.If the love making was initiated by the mother then you have conceived a girl.

If you were drinking or are drinking plenty of milk or your diet is rich in dairy products like cheese butter yogurt and you are consuming fewer meats and eating foods that are sweeter and less salty, plus if you have gorged or are gorging too much on chocolates then for sure you are having a girl.

On a serious note none of the above are true, what is true is you are pregnant and that’s is a blessing and accept the blessing with happiness eat good healthy nutritional foods. That’s is! Eat Healthy and Live Healthy -The only fact!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

20 Ways to teach your child

  1. Make eye contact with your baby. Every time you talk to your baby look at her in the eye and talk. Infants familiarize with the face instantly each time your baby looks at your face she is edifying her memory.
  2.  Show them pictures of objects, animals, colors and flowers. Children memory is sharper and stronger they will catch the pictures faster and will relate the word with it.
  3. Talk to your child as often as possible. Keep talking about everything you are doing. While bathing, while feeding while playing. When the baby tries to babble back you too answer back in babble.
  4. Tickle and play with the baby in the play time. Tickling will make the baby laugh and they will identify laughter as being happy. So she will relate her play time as a happy time.
  5. While playing with your baby make funny faces to her make funny noises too. See how she reacts to them if a face she laughs on make it more often.
  6. Bonding with your baby is primary every mothers first responsibility is to make a strong bond with her child.
  7. Breastfeeding the baby is very important, study has shown a breast fed baby is far sharper smarter and emotionally much secured.
  8. Spend quality time with your baby, at that time no TV no music no books nothing, just you and your baby talking or just snuggling with each other.
  9. Nowadays we get some amazing educational DVDs with lots of music and fun way to teach the child. Letting the baby watch the DVD for half an hour a day is good initially later on you can increase the time.
  10. Buying a play mat or a baby gym is also a good investment; these are very attractive and will initiate the child to move physically to touch and feel things.
  11. Babies are very curious so let them investigate things on their own never restrict their movement by holding them or keeping them strapped up leave them on the floor for some time to explore.
  12. Always take the baby shopping with you, once the baby will understand this is a routine and will eventually settle in it. While shopping talk to your baby show him the stuff you are buying to keep him occupied.
  13. Peek-a-boo is an age old game but it is still the best to keep your baby amused. Play peek-a-boo with him to make him laugh and have fun.
  1. While feeding the baby top food make sure the baby is sitting on a high chair with the entire family this will develop the habit of eating meals with the family and the baby will earn table manners faster.
  1. Books play a pivotal role in a child upbringing, so reading a book to your child from an early age is very necessary. There is no age for reading stories you can read to them from the day they are born.
  1. When you start with alphabets dedicate at least 2 weeks to one alphabet. Show the child every object that begins with the alphabet so she can relate to words and the alphabet faster.
  1. Make a scrap book with your baby where you should mention each achievement of the baby. For example- when the baby said his first word, or recognized his first alphabet or first object even his first visit to the zoo ect ect.
  1. Buying educational activities or games is also a great way to teach your child, these activity games, books or DVDs are great ways to teach your baby.
  1. Joining a mother toddler class is also a great way for the child to learn and understand the whole concept of a school. It is a fact a child who has attended mother toddler class adjusts well to the school routine.
  1. Spending quality time with both the parents as well as grandparents is the bet way to teach your child moral values and family values. Making  an effort to have  dinner or lunch one weekend with the entire family is the best way to give your child a healthy upbringing.

Monday 12 May 2014

Bed wetting or primary nocturnal enuresis

Bed wetting is a common childhood problem there is nothing to be ashamed off if your child is doing so. Like many other childhood dilemmas this is one too. Waking up in the night to change yours child’s bed sheets and clothes is a normal phenomenon for every parent it is way more common than we can imagine. The whole feeling of embarrassment or shamefulness by parents makes the child feel more awkward and makes them feel as if he or she is the only child doing it. Bed wetting can last up to the age of 10 plus in some cases till about the age of 5 nearly 90% children are into bed wetting. In a study it is proven that nearly 5 to 10 million children wet their beds at night and the percentage is more in boys than girls. Parents usually blame their children and accuse them of laziness as the cause for bed wetting this can lead to causing inferiority complex in the kids.

Bed wetting is hereditary factor in most children. The only solution to bed wetting is communicating with your baby and making him understand that he is not at fault and not alone, it is a common problem and there is nothing to be embarrassed off. The reasons for bedwetting are delay in maturity of bladder in children it takes time for the brain and bladder to work in co-ordination but eventually it will overcome with age and the co-ordination will improve. ADH Hormone- this hormone works towards controlling the kidney to formulate less urine at night. In some kids this hormone is present in less quantity and can lead to bed wetting. Children who sleep in deep slumber, these kids sleep so deeply that their brain doesn’t get the bladder signal of being full hence leads to bed wetting.

Only in 2 % cases bed wetting is caused due to medical reasons like urinary tract infection or sleep apnea, diabetes as well as abnormality of the bladder. These medical problems can be overcome by treatment and medication and good medical care. To a great extent psychosomatic turmoil has a lot to do with bed wetting at an elder age. To control bed wetting avoid medicines especially if your child is less than 10 years of age. The best remedies are persuade to the child to use the washroom before going to bed,  try and avoid giving too much of liquids at least 3 hours prior to bed time. Put a plastic sheet between the bed sheet and the mattress. Keep a check on the child’s body clock if you know the time around which she wets her bed try waking the child up to use the washroom. This will eventually become a habit.

Communicate with your child softly and not punish or scold as this will only increase the issue if you are shouting out of sheer fear the child will bed wet more often. It is not your child only nearly every other child does bed wetting but it is something no one discusses openly so you will never now about it. Just stay calm and handle your baby calmly.

Monday 5 May 2014

Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancies in nearly all the cases is a happy news and joyful moment but in certain cases especially teenage pregnancies it is a case of grievous concern. These unplanned pregnancies can create a huge issue for teenage girls who are physically mentally and financially unprepared to handle a baby. Nature has designed our bodies in such a way that girls can get pregnant as early as the age of 13, this age is physically and emotionally a very fragile time as the body is not prepared to handle the complication of pregnancy. In - case you do get pregnant by mistake, such situations are not welcomed with whole heartiness. It is a tough situation and you have to be courageous to face and deal with it. Giving birth to a baby is not easy and bringing up the baby is the toughest task for a women. Some teens out of recklessness even decide to give birth not realizing the consequences of becoming a parent.

 If you fear you are pregnant first make sure of it take a home pregnancy test. The common indications of pregnancy are fatigue, nausea, tenderness in the breast, frequent urination and the most prominent indication is missing your menstrual cycle date. Once the home test is positive go to the nearest health center and get it confirmed as at times home test can be erroneous.

If your pregnancy is confirmed talk to someone about it, I know it is not easy to trust at this stage as you are worried about your parent’s reaction but you got to speak to a trust worthy person. Try and talk to an elder person who is more matured to help you out in this situation. If you think you can speak to your parents, then trust me nothing is better they will yell and be angry but they are your parents and will help you find a solution to it.

Before speaking to your parents or your friend inform your partner about the pregnancy, as he is the father and needs to be informed. If he is levelheaded and matured he will support you and your decision full - fledged. But please speak to your parents I know it is not easy as in most cases the parents are not even aware that you have been physically active but you need to find the courage to do so. They will be your best guide in this situation.

After that consult a doctor and study all the options available to you. Think rationally about the pros and cons and with your head not your heart. This needs to be a practical solution not an emotional one as bringing up the baby is going to be your responsibility entirely. If you are thinking of an abortion, get the right medical help to see if at all an abortion is possible. Then get yourself prepared emotionally for this traumatic experience. Knowing whatever you are doing is for your and your baby's best.
In-case your partner is ready to support and marry you then it is the best option for both of you bring up the baby together like a family. In all cases it will be your decision whether it is abortion, or giving the baby for adoption or single parenting or getting married. Whatever it is, it is your decision and your choice. Just think ten times before you take n decision.

Find out of all the help you can get with the medical bills your accommodation your expenses. Pick up a decent place to stay and start working to save as much as possible for the baby. Get yourself mentally prepared and ready to handle not only yourself but your baby too. Teenage pregnancies can have a few complications because of the age make sure you choose a good health practitioner and go for your checkups regularly. Because you are a young mother you need to take care of your nutrition with extra effort make sure you are eating well and good nutritious food. Take care it is an uphill task but if you have taken the first step then go ahead with strength.