Saturday 31 August 2013

Enjoy Baby Development Stages

It is said that “There is eternal influence and power in motherhood” as it is the only job in the world that one cannot do at its own convenience. Post birth babies take time to settle down and then start with their development. Developmental stages in a baby’s growth are the milestones in the physical and mental development of a baby. Once the baby is born it continuously undergoes transformation and every day brings new developments. Every baby has its own tempo and speed of reaching a developmental stage. As per medical science each baby has criteria of when the development should start. Newly become parents are often concerned if their baby’s development is happening on time or not.

During first to three months of birth, baby’s development is in full swing. During third month baby’s identify a smiling face and respond to a smile. Flip on back and raise head and they hold objects in hand. Their eyes gaze for objects; colored objects are easily identified by them and most favorite. During this period they also play with their fingers and get hands near mouth.
From four to six months the baby will probably laugh loud, roll over from front to back, make talking sounds or babble, play with toys with hands, control head and sit with support. During this phase baby will discover voices and play around with it.

When the baby is about to reach ninth month it will start crawling, but some babies does not crawl they directly start walking. Babies now start responding to their own name or start identifying their mom and dad. They also start saying “Yes” or “No” by nodding their heads. When happy, babies start clapping or play simple games like throwing a ball or Peekaboo.etc.

Development during baby’s tenth to twelfth month is a revolution in itself. First word is uttered by most babies during this time. Most babies take their first step to walking and also know to pick up eatables and put in their mouth. Baby’s copy the actions of elders during this month, like pretend to talk on phone.etc

If a particular developmental stage is delayed or missed by a baby, then parents should visit or talk to a Pediatrician. But all parents should keep in mind that every baby is different and grows are at its own pace. One can refer to baby development chart on

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