Sunday 4 August 2013

Baby Development Chart

Some children need more encouragement in one area of development than another. Although it's important to focus on all areas , tracking your baby's developmental milestones can help you assess your child. "You can see where your child may be having a few challenges, and you can stimulate her accordingly," 

Here's our baby development chart:

By 4 months your baby should:

  • Track an object from side-to-side
  • Turn head toward a familiar voice
  • Make sounds when looking at toys or people
  • Respond by making cooing sounds and moving arms and legs
  • Laugh and smile at you
  • Lift head and support self on forearms
  • Bring both hands to chest when lying on back
  • Hold head steady when supported in a sitting position
  • Reach for an object when supported in a sitting position
  • Hold an object briefly when placed in hand
  • Make eye contact

Next Post will be By 6 months your baby should:  Coming soon

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