Sunday 27 April 2014

Birth Defects in babies

Unfortunate as it may sound even with all the prenatal care at times your baby can be born with certain defects.  Defects at birth can be due to genetic or environmental reasons or at times the reason can also be unknown. Even with the mother and father being perfectly healthy at times the baby can be born with some or the other birth defect. In some cases it is also seen that the older sibling is healthy the parents are healthy but the second baby can be born with a birth defect and in such cases the reason for the defects are completely unknown. In Canada itself 2 out of every 100 child is born with a defect of some kind. With advanced medical science at times the defect is caught when the baby is in the womb, at times this defect can be treated in the womb itself but in some unfortunate pregnancies the foetus needs to be aborted when the defect in the baby is fatal and can even cause harm to the mother.

Every mother prays and wishes for a healthy baby but sometimes nature just plays cruel and we have to face it and handle it with strength and hope. We think birth defects are untreatable and can be fatal but that is not true if detected on time many defects can be treated and in time eradicated. Though it is important to note that birth defects can be genetic but not always in some instances perfectly healthy parents can deliver a baby with some defect or the other. Birth defects are antidramic in the body it can be abnormality of the physical parts or functions even defective body mechanism and metabolism of the system. Some defects can be taken care by medicines as well as good nutrition while in some cases there can b a requirement for a surgery to correct the defect. There are more than 4000 kinds of birth defects that can affect your baby, some small defects to some humongous ones. Minor ones can be treated even before your baby is born and some can be treated after delivery, where as some have no cure and unfortunately can cause infant death. Some of the common physical birth defects are as follows-

  • Cleft lip- This defect is a facial defect where the lips are not formed properly, this is most likely a genetic defect. But it is a curable defect and can be cured surgically after the baby is born. 
  • Cerebral palsy- This defect is a brain defect which can be genetic but in most cases this a brain defect is caused due to environmental issues. This is a defect which can later develop into multiple brain disorders or conditions, not 100% curable it can be handled with some care and right counseling as well as medical help. 
  • Club foot- This defect is connected to abnormalities in the foot of the baby, it can be an ankle joint foot bone or muscle defect. Seen more in boys than girls this defect can be treated with right orthopedic treatment right after birth, and in most cases it is completely cured. 
  • Heart defects- This defect occurs when the baby's heart does not develop properly, there are many different kinds of defects in this some fatal some curable.

There are more than 4000 kinds of birth defects that your baby can get affected with, it is scary but it is a hurtful truth even if we follow the doctor’s advice with complete dedication there can be a possibility your baby can be born with a birth defect. It is hurting but as they say it is not the end of the world we all live and survive on hope. Never give up every child comes into this world as god's gift and for a reason whatever the defect be don't give up. Most of the defects are completely curable with time so stay strong and have faith.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Childhood obesity a growing concern

Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem for we parents today. This is a serious issue and needs to be handled immediately as this condition is affecting our children and creating huge health hazards for them. Obesity in children has seen a sharp rise in the last few years and this condition is not getting any better, we have every child specialist emphasizing on the importance of watching what your child eats, as today every other child is obese. Obesity is when your child is double or at least a few kilograms more than their normal weight in comparison to their height and age.

Why do we need to worry about obesity now? As obesity in childhood has shown a connection leading to health issues in future; health scares like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and breathing related issues. Obesity can also lead to psychological disorders among children as it can lead to low self estem and self confidence. Child obesity is a disease and we have to work towards putting an end to it.

Obesity in children can be controlled by improving their eating habits, time and again I have emphasized that a mother needs to eat healthy food so that the child is healthy, as this obesity can be noticed from day 1. A mother who has eaten junk food all throughout her pregnancy will have a baby with low birth weight and if the mother has bad eating habits her child will learn the same and have the same eating habits and sooner or later become a victim to child obesity. 

Our children stay a lot indoors, television, I pads, computers, laptops, play stations, video games are all responsible for keeping the child indoors. Keep a time limit for it makes it compulsory for your child to go and play outdoor physical activities at least for a hour a day and if not at least on the weekends. Physical activities like running, swimming, skating and playing tennis must be included in their curriculum make sure your child does at least one physical activity every week to keep them fit and strong.

Stop buying junk food like wafers, chips, fried foods, candies, chocolates and creamy donuts completely. As it is when your child is out they eat junk food, at home completely stop their intake of these fried and sugary foods. Buy healthy food snacks and encourage them to snack on fruits rather than chips. Make sure you kid drinks at least 2 glasses of milk daily and that should be enforced. Even for drinks encourage them to pick up fresh fruit juices or smoothies or coconut water instead of sodas or colas. A child always ape's their parent if your child see's you eating healthy food they will too be inclined to healthy eating. 

So first improve your food habits and lifestyle then only you can bring about a change in your child. On weekends make it a family activity to go for a swim or cycling or for a morning jog make it a fun time. Also make sure if you are taking your child out  for lunch or dinner choose a healthy food option like a salad bar or a an Italian restaurant or even a Chinese or an Indian restaurant would do instead of a burger or a junk food joint. Every meal must consist of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and all this comes from fresh home cooked meals. Eating healthy and living an active life is the only mantra to good health for you and your family.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Dealing with Baby Acne

Acne in babies is again not an uncommon phenomenon, I know it is hard to digest when we bring the house ceiling down if we get acne now we have to deal with our baby's acne. 

This is a skin condition in infants which is absolutely harmless and is seen in babies from 0 to 7 months. Baby acne is caused when there is a hormonal imbalance which starts to function in the baby's body which leads to clogging of the oily glands and causing acne. In infants baby acne is called milia this condition is seen more in boys than girls. They are tiny rash kind of bumps in red or white color. Milia can occur just after the baby's birth or then in the 2nd or 3rd month of the baby's birth.

This acne is completely harmless and will disappear just as it appeared. Though there is no need for any treatment or medication as it will go off on its own but certain precautions will help it heal faster. Firstly do not try to pop, pierce or pinch it neither use any strong antiseptic ointment on it, it is baby acne and is not the same as adult acne.

Use a mild non - oily baby soap or body wash and shampoo for your baby, you can also ask your pediatrician to recommend one in case of baby acne. If it is severe winters only then use a moisturizer in case of summer avoid baby lotion till the acne disappears. Make sure you keep the baby's acne attacked area clean and dry, use a soft cloth dipped in warm water you can even use a baby wipe but ensure it has no astringent and no alcohol sign on it. Make you baby wear mittens to keep them from scratching on the acne. If your baby shows signs of discomfort because of the acne ask your doctor to recommend a mild talc , talc will give baby some coolness on the irritating acne and also known to treat the acne. If you are feeding your baby make sure your diet is not oily and spicy as these foods will aggravate your baby’s acne. Eat salads, nuts, fruits and vegetables for some time avoid non vegetarian food too as it creates heat and can aggravate the problem.

If the acne persists longer then take the baby to the pediatrician to examine the acne and as per that start some medication to treat it.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Baby oil and tips for massaging.

Massage is very essential for your baby, it is an age old saying that massaging the baby before bedtime will always make the baby sleep better. Using a massage oil for massaging the baby is always better than using creams and lotions, oils are always a better option. Oils are easily absorbed into the skin and a hot water bath after the oil massage is bliss for your baby.

There are many branded baby oils available in the stores today, you can choose the one which suits your baby the most, as baby oils are rich in moisturizer and will make your baby skin become soft and supple.

Oils which are good for your baby depends on your baby's skin and the climatic conditions. In summers coconut oils is well suited as it has cooling properties and will make the baby feel cool and relaxed. During winter you can opt for mustard oil this oil is a warm oil and will add strength to your baby and also make his bones strong. Mustard oil has some great benefits for the baby and massaging your baby with it will do wonders to the baby and his body.

Olive oil and almond oil are also super oils for massaging and can be used throughout the year, both these oils are also good for the baby’s hair and can be used for scalp massage too. 

Before massaging the baby make sure you warm up the oil , a warm oil will absorb faster and also relax the baby, babies are lying down at all times and this can lead to some stress on their backs, a hot oil massage  will relieve them of any discomfort. Make sure the oil is warm and not hot to burn the baby just Luke warm , massage the baby's limbs lightly and softly and in circular movements only do not try pulling or stretching the limbs of your infant.

 After massage wrap the baby in a towel and bathe them in warm water only, during acute winter you can avoid a bath and just sponge clean the baby. Dress the baby comfortably in loose clothing and feed them only after the massage. Please ensure there is an hour’s gap between the last feed and the massage. Within a few minutes you will see your baby fast asleep in a peaceful bliss after a good massage relaxing bath and tummy full feed.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Your baby has a personality of his own

when your baby is born; the first thing you see is who the baby looks like it's every mother's anxiety that the baby adopts the best looks of the family. Looks of the baby can always go on the family members but their personality traits at times are a replica of any one parent along with some of their own personal traits which are in-born in them and can be completely different from their either parents.

 Babies Development

Their in- born personality is always the more dominant to decide their base nature, their reasons to cry show anger even laugh all this has a lot to do with their personal traits. The babies’ emotional and physical growth and development too are ruled by the babies’ personal habits, some babies who have laziness as an in-born habit will be lazy always, they will crawl less and walk late. Babies who are born moody will always be moody, their laughter their behavior will fluctuate as per their mood swings.

I know it sounds frustrating as here you wished you could change a few things in your partner’s personality now you have a baby who has a set of his own behavioral mood swings. May be you can't do much to change the annoying habits of your partner but you can do some changes in your babies in-born traits. For example if you have a cranky baby who has a tendency to cry for everything, from the very beginning you can bring in a change .One by not giving into lame crying as most babies just cry for attention and when they realize it is not working they start behaving themselves, same way if you have a baby with temper issues you can control it by trying to divert the babies attention to something more interesting and giving the baby loads of your special pampering and patience.

But make sure you do not fall for the baby's unnecessary tantrums that will give a boost to their tantrum throwing and increase your stress even more; being a little strict will only do good in the long run.

There are various techniques to check the babies behavioral levels like -

Physical Activity Level- Once your baby is 5 months plus you can judge their activity level by their day to day regime. If your baby is a soft and calm baby you will notice them being happy in their bouncy chair happily playing with their one toy, their bath and diaper change schedules are also easy. But a hyper baby will make his bath and diaper change time a hard task for you, neither will they be content sitting in one place in such cases your baby is a hyper child and you need to help channelize their energies into more physical activities.

Daily Schedule- If your baby is a clock work baby then you definitely are a lucky mother, as that's the way they will be always. Their food time, potty time, bath time, play time and sleep time will be fixed and you have nothing to work on. But if your baby has no fixed time schedule then you need to forcefully exercise it but gradually. Make sure you take an extra effort and feed the baby on the fixed time only and also try and fix a common place for feeding the baby, changing the location to feed the baby often is not right. They should be taught from the beginning that food has to be eaten at one fixed place only. Make sure you are strict with their sleep time, babies at times tend to over stretch themselves you need to set a sleep deadline for them and keep it fixed for as long as possible. Even when they are bigger insist on their bed time schedule and no leniency in that should be given.

Social Level- Some babies are born socialites they will beam at every one who greets them or smile at all, some will go further and smile even to strangers to catch their attention. With such social children there is really nothing you can do but do keep an eye as every stranger may not be a good person. Whereas some kids are born shy and they will even not take an effort to be social with their extended family, there is no reason to worry about all you need to do is work towards making them more social and shed their inhibitions. Kids are just like we soft clay you can mold them as and how you want to, but make sure when you are molding them you do not overdo it and crush their personal personality under your desires, give them an open path to dwell and develop as they want to. Correct them when they are wrong, applaud them when they are right and love them for everything as every child is special in his or her own way.