Wednesday 26 February 2014

Essential Vitamins are Fundamental for Overall Growth

Vitamins and nutrients are very essential for the baby as well as the mother and pregnancy is a very essential period where the mother's food intake plays a very pivotal role in the growth of the fetus and then the development of the baby. That is the sole reason every article I lay emphasis on eating nutritious food, as what you eat is what your baby will be. A mother who has eaten only healthy food during pregnancy will always have a healthy baby and a mother who has eaten more junk food and less nutrition will always have a baby who has low birth weight.

If your baby is healthy it's your own efforts so Kudos! For it and keep doing what you have been doing eat well workout well and you and your baby will always be healthy and fit. But if you haven’t been careful during your pregnancy and your baby's birth weight is low there is nothing to be disheartened, if you take certain efforts your baby will be back to being healthy and bouncy.

There are certain vitamins and nutrients that are essential for the babies growth and by adding that to your meal if your breast feeding or adding it to the baby's diet if you have already started on top food will definitely do good to your little one.

Calcium - The most important nutrient for the baby and for you, calcium is most needed for making the bones stronger, milk and dairy products are the best source for calcium, if you have an infant your breast milk will have all the calcium the baby needs, as long as your food intake too has the right amount of calcium in it. If you have a toddler make sure you are giving your child at least 2 glasses of milk every single day, for a perfect set of teeth and strong bones calcium is essential.

Iron- During your pregnancy every mother is given tablets for iron, as it is most important to have a good rate of hemoglobin , if the mother's hemoglobin is high then automatically the baby will have the right amount of iron . But if you have low hemoglobin then make sure your doctor prescribes a good capsule for the extra iron dosage, eating iron rich foods like beetroot, spinach, reddish even chicken liver will help boost the iron levels.  In case of an infant improve your diet add the above given foods in your diet and in turn your baby will receive the iron needed. If your child is a toddler then best is to add more forms of food that are rich in iron in the baby's diet.

Potassium - Potassium has to be in the right amount as it controls the blood pressure of the body and makes sure the kidney is functioning fine and the heart beats are in proper rhythm. Low potassium can lead to stone formation in the kidney and osteoporosis. The best source of potassium is fresh fruits and various vegetables make sure you are eating enough to pass it to your baby and if your baby is a grown toddler i know it will be a hard task but still do all that is possible to put some vegetable and fruits down your baby's throat.

Vitamin A - Again the only source is fruits and vegetables vitamin A is vital for the baby's hair, nail and skin growth and development. Eggs, peaches, cheese, peas, broccoli, tomatoes, oats all these are good source of vitamin A. Vitamin A should also be included as it helps in making the baby's immune system stronger and protects the baby from all sorts of infections.

Vitamin C- Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C oranges, sweet lime, lemon superb way to gain some vitamin C. Again a vitamin that makes the immune system stronger to fight colds and flu attacks. Not only that vitamin C is an essential for repairing the cells of our body and bones so it keeps the baby protected from injury by healing it faster.

Vitamin E- A vitamin one should have all thru their life, important for immunity as well as repairing the day to day small damages and injuries of tissues and improving the metabolism of our system. Olive oil is a super source of vitamin E and so are many kinds of nuts.Giving the baby nuts to eat please make sure you have crushed the nuts well so that they do not choke on them even by mistake.

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